Hatfield McCoy Heritage Days

Over the past hundred years, the story of the feuding Hatfields and McCoys have become part of American legend. With stories of violence, forbidden love, heartbreak, and a relentless vendetta that pitted two mountain families against each other, it is no wonder that this tale has grown to the iconic level that is has. However, it has always been a story that was told mainly by news media, historians, and Hollywood.

Hatfield McCoy Heritage Days Homecoming is a special event that will feature descendants of both families meeting with visitors to tell their story. Scheduled for September 21, 22 and 23 in Pikeville and Pike County, a variety of events are planned for visitors to enjoy these stories, from a Pig Roast at the Pikeville Farmer’s Market, to a special presentation of Blood Song: The Story of the Hatfields and the McCoys (which will be held in the courtroom where Cotton Top Mounts was put on trial). A very special memorial service will be held on Sunday at the McCoy Well, with property owner Bob Scott (who is a Hatfield descendant), as well as descendants William Keith Hatfield, Reo Hatfield, and Ron McCoy, all telling the story of how their family came from violent hatred to brotherly love. This special event is open to all, and hotel rooms are booking up fast.

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