Pikeville Pike County Museum Update

The Pikeville Pike County Museum is excited to announce the recent acquisition of new Hatfield & McCoy Feud related artifacts.

Excavated during the “Hatfield & McCoys” episode of the National Geographic television show “Diggers”, the Pikeville Pike County Museum is now in possession of various artifacts from the Randall McCoy homestead site including pieces from the McCoy’s cabin allegedly burnt down by the Hatfield clan in 1888, as well as a spent bullet dating back to the same time period. All artifacts have been analyzed and dated back to the late 1880’s, showing signs of burning from the same time period.

These artifacts have been loaned to the Pikeville Pike County Museum by Bob Scott, local Hatfield & McCoy historian and owner of the old McCoy property in Hardy, Kentucky.

These artifacts and many other Hatfield & McCoy related items are now on display at the Pikeville Pike County Museum, located on the 4th floor of the former Hall of Justice, opened to the general public Saturdays noon 6pm.

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