Fall in Pike County, KY

Vibrant Fall color is here in Pikeville/Pike County, Kentucky. With the mountains dressed in strong oranges, reds and yellows, it is no wonder that our Appalachian home has drawn so much interest from visitors, many with an eye for photography. Our local photographers also could not resist the chance to capture such breathtaking natural beauty. Check out some of their photos below, and tell us what you think.

Larry Epling Fall Collection


Mary Reed Runyon Fall Collection

Maybe you have some photos of Fall in Pike County that you’d like to share with us?  If so, feel free to email them to marketing@tourpikecounty.com. We’d love to share them, just make sure that it is your work you are sharing with us. We’d love to give you credit for the beautiful photos you have captured of picturesque Pike County, Kentucky.

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